The philosophy behind enTRIPreneur is to enable the hustlers – entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, influencers and more – to connect with each other while they travel together and share their experiences.
We don’t define an entrepreneur the traditional way. We think that any person who has the capacity and the will to bring about a change in his surroundings and revolutionise his field of work is an entrepreneur. Even if you are a part of an organisation where your actions would mean a change on a bigger perspective, then you should travel with us.
Imagine being out there with a bunch of brilliant minds belonging to worlds other than that of yours, exploring lands that have just been heard of till now, indulging in regional cuisines, learning from communities and discovering new arts and culture, endless conversations and relaxation.
Come take a look at our experiences:Artsy Affair - Jibhi
Everyone is creative in their own way & this trip will let you explore the creative side of yours. 12 such individuals, who have lost themselves to their art - their world, will come together and discover themselves in each other on a beautiful journey of soul searching.
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